Trademark Registration Haiti
Trademark Registration Haiti is one of WDALAW’s preferred markets. Register your trademarks in Haiti through WDA law firm. Our lawyers will register your trademarks with customized assistance 365 days a year. Contact us now!
Trademark Registration Haiti – Services Offered
- Search background trademark or feasibility study.
- Formally register trademarks, trade names.
- Renewals trademark.
- Amendments and changes to records.
- Obtaining certificates, trade names and patents.
- INVALIDITY, oppositions, cancellations, claims rights litigation.
- Procedures against violations of industrial property law.Calls to Phone: 1-(305) 428-2034 Whatsapp click here 1-809-540-8001
Mail: [email protected]
For more information about costs and professional fees for the Trademark Registration in Haiti, please Contact Us Now
General Information
In The Republic of Haiti, intellectual property has explicit laws regarding the protection of trademarks, there is a department responsible for maintaining a public register of trademarks in this country. It handles different types of trademarks and trade names that the law allows recording in Haiti.
Ever since the enacting of these laws, a remarkable change on the protection system for trademarks has been accomplished. For instance, with the adoption of the Niza´s International Classification of Goods that gives a wider and greater protection to registered trademarks and eliminates the limited scope of former local classification with 70 classes of products.
The Law on Trademark Protection in Haiti provides the rules and procedure to both companies and individuals wishing to protect their trademarks and trade names in Haiti.
The Certificate of Registration issued by the competent authorities after a trademark registration is issued in Haiti is valid only within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Haiti.
The registration of a mark in Haiti is valid for a period of ten years and proof of use should be provided before the sixth (6th) anniversary from granting. Renewals for 10 years period is the time limits prescribed by law in Haiti and same proof of use before the sixth (6th) anniversary from granting renewal should be submitted to avoid automatic cancellation.
Calls to Phone: 1-(305) 428-2034 Whatsapp click here 1-809-540-8001
Mail: [email protected]
For additional information on costs and prices for services not hesitate to Contact Us Now
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